
Between trips

How to travel when you are not traveling

by Mar 10, 2020

By the raise of hands, who wants to go to a Disney Park in the next 2 years?

Keep your hand up if you have your dates already on the calendar!

If you put your hand down, then this post is especially for you! But even if you have dates or you have things booked, you’ll find this post helpful as well.

So if you are still reading, it is because a love for Disney Parks flows through your veins, or at the very least puts a smile on your face every time you think of going. 

We know, cause we’ve been bit by the Disney bug (probably multiple times) and we want to help you reach the goal of going…and we want it to be soon!

The thing about travel goals though (if we have even considered them goals before) is we don’t always treat them the same as physical or family goals, where we act on them every single day. Instead, we think about it one day and maybe add some ‘wants’ to our plan (that is of course if you have a written plan — click here if not) and then we get back to it weeks or months later.

But just like our fitness or family connection goals, we’re gonna achieve them quicker, the more effort and time we put into thought and action.

“But Garrett, what should/can I do right now while I am not traveling”

Well, I’m glad you asked!

Here are a few things you can do when you don’t have a date on the calendar for your next vacation or you don’t have anything booked yet.

Just Get Started

  1. Treat this like a goal, not a wish. You don’t need to work on it every day like a fitness goal, but by treating a trip to Disney like a goal rather than a wish, you will take more action to make it happen.
  2. Put a date on the calendar. The best tip I can give you is to pick a date. And don’t worry, you can move it if you really need to. But having a date on the calendar will help you subconsciously move towards that goal

3. Book something. Hotels can be booked months in advance with no upfront cost and can be easily modified if necessary. Even park tickets can be purchased and used later on. Having something booked, especially if it’s paid for, is very motivating to make sure the other details come together.

4. Start a Disney Fund. This could be as simple as a Disney jar or as involved as starting a side hustle…and don’t be shy…you can tell everyone why you are doing this… ‘I started this business to pay for my epic Disneyland trip’. That way the extra ‘work’ will just feel like it is part of the trip planning

You can also learn how to use points which can pay for a huge chunk of your trip. We’ve even had clients pay for their whole trip with points once they learned the best way to do it!  And the best part is, that you will be able to do it over and over again! And we would love to show you how. 😉

Reasearch & Plan

1. Start Planning. Start making some real preparations. You don’t need to have tickets, flights, and hotels all booked and paid for before you start making some plans. Want to wear matching shirts? Start designing them or find someone on Etsy to make them for you. 

Love characters? Start making those cute signature books or researching a character dining option. 

Get the kids in on it all too. Build the excitement. 

Even if your trip is a year or more away, the more time we spend planning and dreaming, the longer the trip will bring excitement into your life!

2. Read blogs. Even a seasoned Disney pro could stand to learn a few things from blogs with updated content. And learning about what is new will increase the excitement as well as help you be better prepared

Keep Dreaming

1. Picture yourself there. You’ve dreamed of going to Disney, but now start dreaming of what it’s like to be at Disney. And if you’ve been, that doesn’t mean skip this step, it means you’re better able to recall the sights, the smells, the tastes, and even the touch. And each time you go, is a new experience. Your kids are at a different phase of their life..or you are. 

2. Take to the Tube. If you haven’t been before, here are some ways to help you keep dreaming.

Love YouTube? Find a few Disney YouTubers and start watching some of their stuff or follow some people on IG (nevermind, you are probably already doing that). 

We like The Tim Tracker and Disney Food Blog on YouTube and we like disneyparksblog and disneylanddailycasey on IG.

But a quick search will bring you hours of binge-watching Disney enjoyment. Trust me on that, hahaha!

The Point is to Enjoy the Process

I hope you enjoyed this list of things you can do to enjoy the process of dreaming, planning, and going on your trip to Disneyland. It’s easy to feel down about the fact that you aren’t going right this second. But if you follow a few of these tips, the joy and anticipation of going means the vacation can spark happiness for more time than just the days that you’re there.

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